French-speaking meeting

Posted on 29 September 2020 in Blog

French-speaking meeting

Every two weeks on Saturday, I arrange a French-speaking meeting. There are two aims of these meetings. The first one is for French native speakers. For them, it could be a good way to meet people from their country, meet new friends, and to talk about Ukraine with locals. And the second goal is for Ukrainians to practice their French and discover French culture. They come to practice their French with native speakers.

We meet in Syndicate Beer & Grill at 16h, but people arrive from 16h to 18h. Last Saturday 12-13 people were there, the half were Ukrainians. The atmosphere was friendly. People switched their places to discuss different topics with different people. It’s very important cause some people are shy because of their level in French. If all people are included the aims of these meetings are completed. At the end of each meeting, I ask people if they want to continue somewhere else. Generally, we continue in another bar or restaurant and we finished our party at the end of the night. Join us!

Mael Roue.